Saturday, December 12, 2009

Master Geographic Letter Gospel According To Judas - What Does It Mean?

Gospel According to Judas - what does it mean? - master geographic letter

All the media say that this old document says that Jesus asked Judas to betray him to make changes to the plan. I have the English translation of the text on the website of National Geographic and I see the words. Can someone explain it to me. (Come on, you Coptic speakers - I know you're there ...;))


Elise1md... said...

I'm no expert, if all you want, but I heard that Jesus Judas (to notify the authorities and the devil in him now, I leave) it to higher powers, which received 30 pieces of silver as a reward. He could have thrown himself on the ground, but he took his place. I am sure that Jesus knew that Judas would do, and referred to her as always, on his death and resurrection, but I will not be asked to betray.

The following link leads to a site called The Christian Century, but the article seems completely impartial. It clarifies some issues a little more.

stargaze... said...

Jesuit students, says the Gospel of Judas does not deserve the name "Gospel"

By Cindy Wooden
Catholic News Service

ROME (CNS) - The Gospel of Judas was unimportant to most Christians when it was written hundreds of years and it is not important, today said a Jesuit professor who convened a series of "ecumenical study of the historical Jesus.

Gerald O'Collins Jesuit professor of Christology long Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, says the text, as the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and Philip, "do not deserve the name" Gospel ".

The National Geographic Society has presented the document 6 April posting a copy thereof to the Company's website, and releasing the English translation of the text.

"A" Gospel "is a literary genre - of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, founded - with a focus on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, said," Father O'Collins.

While including events supposedly related thand the life of Jesus, the Gospel of Judas and other texts are truly committed to the "significance" of people who said to rely, not reinforce Jesus, the priest.

"There are summaries of the good news," he said.

The texts from the Gnostic tradition, a popular religious-philosophical movement of the century, second, third and fourth quarters. The Gnostics claimed secret knowledge is available, the vast majority of people and a strong focus on the psychological and spiritual despised material creation of those rights, including the human body.

Convicted in the year 180, Irenaeus, the Gnostics, mentioning particularly a Gospel of Judas.

Father O'Collins said the most important texts in early April has been published, is that "Irenaeus shows how much was fair to say that the Gnostics against mainstream Christianity and Judaism that were against our God were."

"In order to give more loans to Judas," said the Jesuit, representing the Gnostics, Jesus give sSECRET knowledge. It was a nice try, but no evidence of support of this assertion.

"Then, and Recycle Bin is now," he said.

O'Collins father, who from 1996 to 2003 has convened a series of ecumenical summit meeting of the interdisciplinary research on the historical Jesus, said it was "ridiculous" for anyone to require publication of the Gospel of Judas will challenge mainstream Christianity.


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